Aries June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. June 02, 2016

Aries (March 20 - April 19): If you had little baby triplets, you could name them: Verve. Vivacity. Vitality.

Because that’s what you have, Aries. You’re a life-lover, hungry for success, fueled by experience. Here’s an idea: pour that over ice and call it summer — for you, for your kids.

The sky is swimming with Gemini energy this month — chatty, fun, breezy, friendly. Pull it all in and have some fun. Keep in mind that fun can be simple. Say yes to the lemonade stand, the bike ride, the game of catch. Stay focused though, definitely say no to a sleepover with that one irritating kid who only eats microwaved mac-n-cheese served IF it's served in a white bowl and If it's eaten only in a dark room. That kid's a pain in your ass.

But where you can dive in and do it, do it. Saturn is having sweet tea with the Sun and Venus in your solar 9th house of education, so it’s a great time to both teach AND learn. Teach your kids to enjoy their lives! And let them teach you how, too.



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