5 Links: World's Worst Mom, Glitter Bombs, Evermotion

by ParentCo. January 24, 2015

1 - The never ending debate about kids safety vs independence became a reality show from Discovery Life. Go behind the scenes with the New York Times article "Parenting Advice From ‘America’s Worst Mom.’” More about the show and its star Lenore Skenazy from Reason magazine. 2 - This video is funny. A dad gets glitter bombed for reading his kids mail. This video is uplifting. Kid President addresses the nation: “When life gives you lemons, you gotta make lemonade. And drink it. And then you dance.” 3 - Another New York Times link in the Well - "The Benefits of a Lunch Hour Walk” The mood and brain-boosting benefits of a lunchtime walk are legit. Even here in bitter, frozen Vermont I make this happen most days of the week. I’m cheating a bit though - it's also to walk the dog. 4 - Here's a fun and slightly educational new coloring book about robots and computers. Buy it for $10 or download and print pages for free. 5 - I love the new Guster album Evermotion. Love it. The Boston Globe calls it "terrific," rooted in three key Bs — Beatles, Beach Boys, and Bacharach. You can play it around the kids; none of the song have swears, guns or overt sex talk, just a ton of great melodies. It also sounds great through headphones, which is how I've listed to it every other hour for the past couple of weeks. http://www.guster.com



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