Best links of the week

by ParentCo. August 21, 2015

comeon And the award for best summer sunset goes to...
Reusable juice boxes and 28 other kids products you'll find an excuse to need. Taking time to read to young children makes them better readers later on, according to two recently published studies. Fozzie and Kermit performing N.W.A.'s "Express Yourself" really works for us. Pamela Druckerman's New York Times essay "How Not to Think About Bears" perfectly sums up the experience of parenting from a "worst case scenario" offensive. Here's how to manage a heavy backpack. (But not when they're little. Younger kids shouldn't carry anything more than 15% of their body weight.) People from all ages offer advice to their younger counterparts in this sweet farewell video from CBC Radio's WireTap. From chocolate chip cookies, to classic marinara sauce, 20 things (and recipes!) you should not buy according to New York Times contributors.



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