How to Calm Your Nerves with "Mental Rehearsal" and Get Through Anything

by ParentCo. May 18, 2015

They say worrying does you no good, but worrying productively can actually get you through anything--whether it’s asking for a raise or running a big race. “Mental rehearsal” is a technique that athletes, musicians, doctors, soldiers, and even astronauts use to prepare for the worst--and perform at their best.
Most of us can find plenty to worry about. As parents, we have the added joy of worrying that our worry is making our kids worriers. Yes. LET'S WORRY ABOUT ALL OF THE THINGS. Actually, to some degree it can be helpful. So long as in the long run it is productive. This technique of acknowlegement, visualization (of the negative and the positive), and making and rehearsing a contingency plan can help you get through anything. Knowing how to worry effectively is a great skill to pass on to your kids, too. Read the full article and learn the technique at Lifehacker: How to Calm Your Nerves with "Mental Rehearsal" and Get Through Anything



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