"Inside Out" director, Pete Docter talks research, science and emotion with NPR's Fresh Air

by ParentCo. June 15, 2015

We've been excited for this weekend's release of Pixar's new film, Inside Out since seeing the trailer this past winter (when I filed the information under "awesome things to remember a million years from now." Somehow, here we are.) The film takes an animated glimpse inside the mind of Riley, an 11-year-old girl whose family moves across the country from Minnesota to San Francisco. With a control room operated by personified versions of her emotions, Joy (Amy Poehler), Anger (Lewis Black), Fear (Bill Hader), Disgust (Mindy Kaling), and Sadness (Phyllis Smith), it delivers the message that yes, growing up isn't always easy. In this interview with NPR's Fresh Air, director Pete Docter, talks about the research and consultations with psychologists that went into making a movie that could be backed up with science. Listen to the interview on NPR here: It's All In Your Head: Director Pete Docter Gets Emotional In 'Inside Out'



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