Ashima Shiraishi: Rock-climbing Girl Wonder

by ParentCo. January 11, 2016

Ashima Shiraishi's Twitter bio (@ashimashiraishi) says simply, "I like chocolate and sour candy" giving away nothing of how this 14-year old girl wonder has become rock climbing's tour de force.

Regarded by many as the best female rock climber in the world, Ashima is straight outta Manhattan. You know, that flat NYC island borough with the big park? That's where Ashima got her start. Born to older parents self-identified in this New Yorker piece as artists -- not athletes -- they had an idea for their first and only child. When Ashima was born, I have an idea for her,” Tsuya said. “She grow up, create things, and make people happy. It came true. Now kids want to be like Ashima. Why do kids want to be like Ashima? Because she's badass, that's why. In August, Ashima won gold medals in bouldering and sport climbing in the 15-and-under bracket of the world championships in Arco, Italy. She was the only climber, of any age, to complete the four bouldering problems, and she completed three of them on her first try. - New York Times If you're looking for role models to share with your kids, and worthy content to spend time watching together, take a look at this New Yorker video about why she climbs. Or this Vice Sports video of her mad rock skills, complete with back story: There's also this -- Ashima's TedxTeenTalk: Who run the world? Girls. Like Ashima.
Source: The New Yorker, Vice Sports, NY Times



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