Does Your Brain Work Differently Depending on the Season?

by ParentCo. April 19, 2016

The conclusion that the brain works differently in winter than it does in summer came as a result of a study conducted by Gilles Vandewalle and Christelle Meyer of the University of Liege in Belgium. ...For the purpose of the study, researchers scanned participants’ brains while they performed tasks, the primary aim of which was to test their ability to sustain attention as well as to store, update and compare information in their memories. The results of this study were published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and they showed that participants’ performance didn’t change regardless of the season. ...On the other hand, levels of brain activity that are linked with sustaining attention peaked in June – around the summer solstice – and they were at their lowest in December around the winter solstice.
Source: BrainBlogger



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