Taurus June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. June 02, 2016

Taurus (April 19 - May 20): If the Zodiac was a corporation, you’d be the CFO. Your workspace would be a big comfortable corner office with one helluva a view of the galaxy. You’d probably even have a kick-ass Hugo Boss space-suit with a built-in Bose sound system.

You like the finer things in life, and you understand what it takes to get them: smart number-crunching, hard work, discernment, gratitude. Your kids respect the work you do, and since they’re your kids, they already understand that ain’t nothing in this life is free.

You miiiight be a little hard-headed too. Muhbe? Just a little? Little bit? Muhbe little bit? Yeah you are. It’s ok, be aware that around the 9th of the month, Mars is in Scorpio and your words will be particularly weighty. Say what you need to say, just pay close attention to how you say it.

Venus is headed into Cancer mid-month, so this’ll be a great time to remind your family that you also know how to chill out. Back off the tasks, pop everyone a cold one, and put your collective feet up. I’m not saying give your kids beer. I’m saying enjoy the life you bust ass to provide for them, and invite those little booger-eaters to do the same.



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