You Want Food With Less Sugar But Same Taste-Here is How

by ParentCo. July 18, 2016

The global sugar-industrial complex is about to face a serious challenge—from a mushroom. MycoTechnology seeks to answer a problem that has dogged food scientists for the last three decades, which is how to maintain a product’s taste while cutting back on sugar. ...concept is strikingly simple: By deploying invisible fungi molecules to camp out on a person’s tastebuds while they chew food, the company has found a way to block naturally-occurring bitter flavors that food companies have long depended upon sugar to mask. MycoTechnology raised more than $10 million in funding last year, and is about to begin a $50 million round, Hahn said. A lot of that new money will go toward expanding current facilities to increase mycelium production.
Source: Researchers have finally discovered the key to naturally stripping sugar from all our foods — Quartz



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