Looking Back at the Most Popular Baby Names of 2015

by ParentCo. January 22, 2015

Parent Co projected baby naming trends of 2015. Do you want a kid whose name is on lists?
So, you're going to have a baby. Sure, you could pay this Swiss Company $32,000 to scheme up an original, completely one-of-a-kind name for your snowflake. But let's get real. $32,000 is a huge investment in someone you haven't even met yet. Yes, people name their kids before they're born all the time, but it's a roll of the dice. "MY name is Steve! Steve's a great name! WE HAVE TO NAME HIM THAT." And then "he" comes out minus parts the sonogram wrongfully promised because the technician had too many daiquiris at lunch. Imagine putting $32 grand behind that decision. Steve will look beautiful in her prom dress, by the way. As team of professional parents, we've collectively named over a dozen children we actually care about and 3 more that people have paid us to. One of our kid's names even inspired the name of the main character in a blockbuster film. Trust us. We do juice cleanses and put fish oil in our espresso. We know things.
  • We scan the finest drugstore shelves, tropical farmers markets, pedigree dog shows, even the NASDAQ for the highest quality inspiration.
  • We will quadruple check for unfortunate acronyms by consulting with texting teens and cross checking medical journals.
  • We arrange hypnotherapy for both parents to compile an honest list of every sexual partner they've ever had to avoid subconscious leanings which could later, be grounds for divorce.
  • We have an in house team of particularly ruthless children of varying ages who participate in round table bullying sessions to determine the likelihood that your offspring could suffer based on our choices.
  • We will provide you with 3 choices. Feminine, masculine and gender neutral. You retain full license to all 3, which takes into consideration those who choose not to find out the sex ahead of time or the event the child's "jaw line is not strong enough for such a bad-ass moniker". (Thanks for your review, Tad from Greenpoint!) Should the child decide you got it wrong (listen, it's not going to be the only time they're going to challenge your authority. Get used to it.), the remaining two options are theirs for the taking. However, if your 18 year old daughter exercises her right to go rogue and renames herself Tawny Cherry to go work alongside the interstate, well, you probably went wrong at plenty of intersections besides name choice. We can not guarantee that invoking our services puts you on the perfect path.
Once our experts have compiled a list of six choices, we bring ourselves to you. With real life application, we'll help you determine the 3 original one-of-a-kind namesakes for which you write your check.
  • One of us will accompany you on a shopping trip to TJ Maxx where we'll hide in racks of clothing while you shout our proposed choices 57 times each. We will take notes from between the dresses on pitch and tone and which sit most naturally in your register. You will have the final say in the event our observations do not take into account that one of them makes you want to shave your head completely bald by utterance 43.
  • We'll come to your house for the morning rush and spill a full bowl of cereal all over your freshly laundered work clothes while simultaneously recreating Van Gogh's Starry Night all over freshly painted walls. (This is merely an example. We believe the element of surprise elicits the most natural reprimand on which to draw conclusions.)
  • We will provide you with a four inch stack of school intake forms, pediatrician questionnaires, little league sign ups, and permission slips so you can practice writing the sequence of letters you'll have to scrawl several hundred thousand times for the rest of your life. Decide before committing that an eleven letter first name is too much to ask of anyone. Or not.
Feel free to contact us to set up a consultation.



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