Best links of the week

by ParentCo. August 28, 2015

jump for links Our kids went back to school this week. Thank you to the teachers who work so hard, even when no one's looking. Watch American kids try lunches from around the world. (Personally, I don't think they'd react much differently to some American offerings.) Instagram's latest update will change your insta-game. Sure, the Grand Canyon is great. If you enjoy looking at big stupid holes in the ground. These one star reviews of National Parks are totally hilarious. (And if you are the parent of a 4th grader, don't forget your family can get free admission to America's National Parks all year. You know, if you want to bore them with majesty.) Artist, musician, soon to be mother, and general badass, Amanda Palmer breaks down the fears of all creative parents. Are tablets harming our kids' ability to read? That depends on who you ask. You thought you were out of the woods after the toddler years. Turns out, teenagers aren't much different. Blame it on their brains. 6-year-old stares down bottomless abyss of formal schooling. The Onion at its finest.



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