Bio-chip Helps Identify Your Risk For Alzheimer's disease

by ParentCo. August 03, 2016

Researchers today unveiled results from a new blood test to help identify which patients are at an elevated risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings, presented at the 68th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo in Philadelphia, showed that the biochip test, which allows multiple tests to be run on one blood sample, was as accurate as existing molecular tests that analyze DNA. This test detects the presence of a protein in the blood produced by a specific variation of the apolipoprotein gene (ApoE4), which is associated with increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. To verify the accuracy of the biochip test, 384 samples were analyzed and results compared to those from a standard molecular diagnostic test...and found that results from the two tests were in 100% agreement.
“Pairing this test with medical and family history for risk of Alzheimer’s disease has the real potential to advance personalized medicine,”
Source: New Biochip-Based Blood Test Detects Elevated Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease



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