How to Ease the Pain of Your Baby's Excess Flatulence

by ParentCo. June 15, 2016

Expert-recommended ways parents can relieve their baby's discomfort. We all have gas. Though it may be embarrassing for grown-ups and sometimes problematic, the awkward gastrointestinal certainty is usually a – ahem – passing issue. However, when infants experience persistent discomfort from excess gas, it can be particularly distressing for parents. ...try the most close-at-hand measures. Physical comforting measures like swaddling a baby and burping can be just as effective – or more effective – than medication... For infants with gas issues, Barth takes into account whether they’re breast-fed or bottle-fed. “If the baby is breast-fed, then one of the things I talk to the parents about first is mom’s diet,” he says... Fortunately, pediatrician Gary Chun says, most babies do recover quickly from excess gas-related discomfort. And some gas, he adds, is a sign that the baby’s digestive system, one of the last major systems to develop, is working properly. He hopes knowing that provides at least some measure of comfort to parents – as they make every effort to relieve the discomfort of their babies.
Source: Easing the Pain of Infant Gas | Wellness | US News



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