Perfectionist Parenting Can Backfire - Big Time.

by ParentCo. June 28, 2016

A new study out of the notoriously high-pressure, high-performing Asian city-state of Singapore takes a stab at the question of how helicopter parenting affects young children. “When parents become intrusive in their children’s lives, it may signal to the children that what they do is never good enough. As a result, the child may become afraid of making the slightest mistake and will blame himself or herself for not being ‘perfect.’ Over time, such behaviour, known as maladaptive perfectionism, may be detrimental to the child’s well-being as it increases the risk of the child developing symptoms of depression, anxiety and even suicide in very serious cases,” study author Ryan Hong explained.
Source: Your perfectionist parenting style may be detrimental to your child - The Washington Post



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