What's More Important: How Food Looks? Or How It Tastes?

by ParentCo. July 14, 2016

Around 60 million tons of produce, worth about $160 billion, is wasted, ...—a third of all foodstuffs, though experts and farmers tell the Guardian the real figure is closer to half of all foodstuffs, ... taking it into account vegetables abandoned in the field and left to rot... Nearly 40% of the food supply is never eaten and 20% doesn’t end up in grocery stores... ...if policymakers spent $18 billion to achieve a 20% reduction in food waste, it wouldcreate an additional 1.8 billion meals, which they say is enough to feed America’s food-insecure people three times over. The so-called “ugly food movement” is trying to challenge food waste by putting more pressure on supermarkets.
Source: The US is still throwing away a ridiculous amount of edible food — Quartz



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